Programme of Work

In the first 2017-2019 period, the attention of the UfM Gas Platform has been rather on macro level – covering main subjects such as supply-demand, regulation, infrastructure, LNG and gas hubs. During the following 2020-2022 period, a more focused approach has been envisaged with the overarching goal of a better integration of energy systems in the Mediterranean region while fostering energy transition. This has necessitated focusing on the emerging trends, technologies and applications that will not only have significant impact on the Mediterranean gas future but will also shape the future policy orientation.

For the next program covering the period 2023-2025, the action was designed to support the successful implementation of the last UfM Joint Ministerial Declaration (14 June 2021) to address the region’s energy challenges and its roadmap.

UfM Member States reaffirmed in the Declaration the need and willingness to join efforts for a just and fair transition towards circular, low emissions, inclusive, resilient, sustainable resource and energy efficient economies and societies, by taking into account national circumstances. To this end the present action identified a series of key themes to be covered in the future work programme of the UfM Gas Platform.

– Mediterranean Energy Scenarios;
– Role of gases fuel and hydrogen in the Mediterranean area;
– Enhance renewable energy integration;
– The role of gas in Mediterranean energy transition and supply security;
– Offshore (marine) renewable energies in the Mediterranean.

As was the case in previous years, working groups with relevant stakeholders will be established. Dedicated technical meetings, workshops and training sessions related to the studies will be organized by the OMEC, as UfM Gas Platform Secretariat, to support this work programme (see also tentative agenda below).


Online meeting on Mediterranean gas perspectives of the UfM working group on Gas, Emissions Abatement and Hydrogen.

UfM Gas Platform conference on maritime decarbonization scenarios in the Mediterranean.


Co-funded by the European Union

2024 draft agenda of the UfM Gas Platform work programme

Date and venue (tentative) Activities / Meetings / Outcomes
5 March (Paris) Annual UfM Gas Platform Conference on the role of gas in the Mediterranean energy transition
March Quarterly Newsletter
May (Barcelona) Annual meeting of the three UfM Energy Platforms
June Quarterly Newsletter
August New study on “The role of gases fuel for achieving a sustainable low carbon transport system”
August Update of the study on “The role of LNG in the Euro-Mediterranean gas supply security”
September Quarterly Newsletter
December Update of the UfM Gas Platform infrastructure database
December (Paris) Capacity building session (topic to be confirmed)
December (Paris) Annual UfM Gas Platform Conference
December Quarterly Newsletter