
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Gas Platform aims at establishing a regional structured dialogue allowing the gradual development of a Euro-Mediterranean gas market to promote security, transparency and predictability of both demand and supply in a manner that correctly and fairly should balance the interest of producing and consuming countries and should provide the basis of the long-term secure development of the abundant resources in the region.

The UfM Gas Platform, developed in the framework of the Barcelona process and the Union for the Mediterranean, respects all the latter’s principles.

In order to achieve this, the UfM Gas Platform considers :

  • The status of national and regional gas markets,
  • Upstream, mid-stream and downstream activities and the associated investments to face the regional demand for gas,
  • Taking into consideration demand and supply security principles, and feasible and viable options for gas transmission to the markets where it is needed,
  • The potential role of possible Mediterranean Gas Hubs.


Online meeting on Mediterranean gas perspectives of the UfM working group on Gas, Emissions Abatement and Hydrogen.

UfM Gas Platform conference on maritime decarbonization scenarios in the Mediterranean.


Co-funded by the European Union

The UfM Gas Platform’s complementary objectives, as indicated in the Working Guidelines, are for its participants to work together more inclusively and comprehensively in order to:

  • assess current outlook of the gas market in the Euro-Mediterranean region and examine factors affecting future developments around gas demand and supply, including addressing upstream production and demand challenges;
  • promote regional energy supply and demand security and examine schemes for addressing emergency situations for gas supply. This will help (current and future) producing countries develop their domestic and export strategies;
  • study different existing market models in Euro-Mediterranean Region and drafting advisory assessment reports for market development opening in the different market segments (producers, traders, suppliers, shippers, TSOs/DSOs, storage system and LNG operators);
  • identify and promote the role of gas in electricity generation, transport and other domestic, commercial and industrial activities.
  • help set arrangements which would allow all UfM Members to inter-act and trade within an increasingly integrated Euro-Mediterranean gas market;
  • promote technological cooperation and foster cooperation in the domain of safety for the development of gas projects;
  • identify energy projects of common interest of UfM Members and highlight needs in terms of developing Mediterranean domestic and sub-regional energy markets. The UfM projects of common interests will be determined by the UfM Members by consensus, and the viability, inter alia, financial and technical, of the projects will be taken into account. These projects will where possible be considered relevant for the UfM Gas Platform, which will create strong political momentum for their eventual financial support; Prior to proposing a UfM project of Common interest for consideration by the UfM Members, the Co-Presidency/UfM Secretariat will ensure prior consent of all involved UfM Members. Existing gas projects in all UfM Member countries, as well as, but not limited to, European Union Projects of Common Interest involving at least one UfM Member, shall be taken into account, when drawing up UfM projects of common interest by consensus;
  • determine all issues (e.g. regulatory, permitting, coordination, technical and financial) impeding the rapid development of infrastructures and taking actions to remedy them;
  • determine cross-border barriers between countries and recommend solutions to overcome them and promote the harmonisation of rules and codes;
  • seek the most appropriate ways of diversifying natural gas resources and routes.