The benefits, challenges, and opportunities of LNG in maritime transport in the Mediterranean region
On 30 November 2020, as part of the UfM Gas Platform 2020 activities, the Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie (OME) organized, through video conferencing and with the support of the European Commission, a workshop on the benefits, challenges and opportunities of LNG in maritime transport in the Mediterranean Region. About 40 registered delegates to the video conference from institutions and the industry from both shores of the Mediterranean Sea participated to the success of the event.
In her welcoming remarks, Houda Ben Jannet Allal, OME/UfM Gas Platform Secretariat, stressed on the importance and the role LNG can play in the maritime transport in the Euro-Mediterranean Region’s decarbonisation path. She underlined the major role of the UfM Gas Platform as a gathering place to strengthen regional dialogue and foster stronger regional cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean gas sector. She then gave an overview of the main activities and events already or to be carried out in 2020 that will deliver the objectives of the UfM Gas Platform Work Programme covering the period 2020-2022. The first session of the workshop “The use of LNG in maritime transport: Overview” set the context for discussion by providing a comprehensive overview of regional trends and developments. The second session “The use of LNG in maritime transport in the Mediterranean” delved into the use of LNG in the maritime shipping industry through some case studies.