Launch of the UfM Gas Platform working group (videoconference) on “South Mediterranean Gas”
On 26 November 2020, the Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform launched through videoconference a new working group (WG) within the UfM Gas Platform 2020 activities. Dedicated to “South Mediterranean Gas”, this task is divided into two sub groups/studies; Task 6.1 on the role and importance of South Mediterranean gas in European supply security, and Task 6.2 on natural gas trade among the South Mediterranean countries: perspectives for the future.
Gas developments in the South Mediterranean region are of high importance for the European Commission. Therefore, the group’s goal is twofold; to investigate how South Mediterranean gas could play an important role in Europe’s search for additional gas supplies, and to address the challenges and opportunities in increasing gas trade within South Mediterranean countries in the future. Participants discussed and fixed the content of the two studies, and defined the activities. On each topic a workshop will be organized, to either feed the reports or present them. The objective is to have draft reports to be circulated to WG members for review by early 2021. WG members may meet again to discuss the drafts in detail and plan next steps in view of their finalization.
The meeting gathered more than 30 delegates from all backgrounds, ministries, institutions and industry, from both shores of the Mediterranean. They all contributed to vibrant discussions (under the Chatham House Rule) and participated to the success of the event.