On the road to a net zero carbon future in the Mediterranean: the role of Euro-Mediterranean energy cooperation
On 17 November 2022, the OME as Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform, in cooperation with the European Commission, organized a side event at the COP27 Mediterranean Pavilion on “the road to a net zero carbon future in the Mediterranean: the role of Euro-Mediterranean energy cooperation”.
The proposed event discussed the role of the main Mediterranean energy stakeholders in fostering energy and climate transition. It provided an assessment of current progress, identified the main challenges and needs, and quantified the benefits along the sustainable development dimension. It discussed how regional energy cooperation can help meet the carbon neutrality goal in the Euro-Mediterranean area, what are the main needs and the already available instruments that can best accompany the transition, as reflected in the Roadmap for Action developed under the UfM umbrella.
More details about the event, agenda as well as the option of replay are available here: https://ufmsecretariat.org/mediterraneanpavilion/