Annual meeting of the UfM Energy Platforms
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean organised on 3 and 4 May 2023, in Barcelona, the Annual meeting of the three UfM Energy Platforms (dealing with electricity markets, renewable energy, energy efficiency and natural gas in the Mediterranean region). During two days, UfM Member States’ representatives as well as regional energy sector stakeholders analysed the state of play of the implementation of the UfM Roadmap for Action on Energy, which was prepared in light of the recommendations of the Ministerial Declaration on Energy that was issued during the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Energy on 14 June 2021. Moreover, the three UfM Energy Platforms shared the implementation status of their respective Work Program activities, and presented their Work Programs for 2023.
Moreover, the OME, as Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform, presented the outcomes of the last COP27 held in Egypt in November 2022 and the expectations for the next COP28 in Dubai in December 2023. It also presented an overview of the most important factors and uncertainties likely to affect the Mediterranean energy trends over the next 30 years under two scenarios (a reference scenario and a net-zero carbon emissions scenario), as released in the last issue of OME Mediterranean Energy Perspectives 2022, as well as highlights on next MEP 2023.