The work of the UfM Gas Platform is facilitated by the following bodies :
- Steering Committee : The Platform’s activities is coordinated by a Steering Committee composed of the UfM co-presidency, the Secretariats of the three platforms and the animators of the Working Groups. At the meetings of the Steering Committee Government representatives of UfM Members are invited to participate.
- Secretariat : The “Organisation Méditerranéenne de l’Energie et du Climat” (OMEC) runs the Platform’s secretariat in close coordination with the UfM co-presidency. The Secretariat reports to the Platform Steering Committee and governing body and is responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the Platform activities. The Secretariat assures the smooth implementation of the work programme, including the organisation of meetings and events, and progress reports, as well as the supervision of the deliverables to be submitted to the Steering Committee and Platform governing body. In addition, the Secretariat is responsible for implementing the communication activities of the Platform. It is also the main interface between stakeholders and the working groups and the Steering Committee.
- Working Groups : If appropriate, the Platform may be supported by one or more working groups on specific relevant themes. Each working group appoints an animator. The working groups work in close cooperation with the Platform Secretariat, under coordination of the Steering Committee. The working groups are open to all Government representatives of the UfM Members and other relevant stakeholders.
The Platform meets at least once a year and is the governing body. Decisions of the Platform are taken by UfM Members States by consensus. The Platform is responsible for approving its work plan.
The Platform meetings are co-chaired by the UfM co-presidencies and by the Representative of the country hosting the meeting. Platform meetings are open to:
- representatives of the UfM Member States ;
- the UfM co-presidencies and the UfM Secretariat ;
- representatives of public and private stakeholders, such as regulatory authorities, gas transmission systems operators, appropriate networks or associations, private sector actors, project promoters, financial institutions and any other relevant stakeholders.
The UfM Gas Platform may also decide to invite additional representatives or independent experts to some of the platform meetings.