Meeting on cooperation among TSOs in the Mediterranean region
Concluding the first phase of the UfM Gas Platform initiative, the OME, as Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform, organised a workshop on 17 December 2019 in Brussels gathering almost all the Gas Infrastructure Operators (GIOs) in the South and East Mediterranean region. The meeting, as part of the activities of the working group on cooperation among TSOs in the Med. region (Task 2.5 in the Work Program), examined how GIOs could all beneficially cooperate in long term planning of system development with network investments and monitoring the developments of transmission network capacities. The participants discussed the need and the necessity for increasing cooperation on different issues and proposed the creation of a GIOs forum within the umbrella of the UfM Gas Platform, which all participants considered as the most appropriate avenue for facilitating such a cooperation among the GIOs in the Mediterranean region.